The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (190721).
Vol. 12. The Romantic Revival.
II. Byron.
For full list of magazine articles and criticism, contemporary and afterwards, see D. of N. B. (article by Stephen, Sir Leslie), bibliography by Anderson, J. P.,
attached to Roden Noels Life and Byroniana und Anderes aus dem Englischen Seminar in Erlangen.
For a complete bibliography of Byrons works, including translations, see The Works of Lord Byron, ed. by Coleridge, E. H., vol. VII, pp. 89 ff., 1904.
The following MSS. comprise letters and other Byron data:
Egerton MSS. 2027 (Childe Harolds Pilgrimage. Poems written abroad with autograph corrections and notes); 2028 (British Bards; a satire, 1808. Rough proof-sheets with autograph corrections and instructions for printing); 2029 (Hints from Horace); 3030 (Draft of Byrons speech on the Frame-work bill, 1812, in his own hand. Proof-sheets with autograph corrections); 2075, ff. 2931; 2332, f. 2 (Stanzas to Jessy, 1807); 2611 (Byrons letters to Hanson, J., his solicitor, 180616); 2612, 2613 (Correspondence of Hanson, J., relating to the Byron estates); 2869, ff. 712.
Additional MSS. 21508, f. 52; 22119 (George Gordon Byrons [natural son of the poet] forged letters and notes to S. Rogerss poems, 1823); 22130, f. 95; 28721, f. 38; 31037 and 31038 (Letters to his sister Augusta, letters and papers relating to his burial, and various poems); 33964, f. 237; 34583, f. 443; 35251, f. 13; 36455, ff. 1583 (MSS. of J. C. Hobhouses Notes and Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, 1817); 36456, ff. 18, 44, 334, 337, 343, 419, 425b; 36457, ff. 144, 152, 154 and 357; ff. 437, 438 (Concerning alterations in Cantos 1 and II of Don Juan); 36459, ff. 113, 137, 186; and 307 (Letter from the Contessa Guiccioli concerning Byron, 1822); 36460, ff. 158, 160, 169, 174, 219, 300, 325, 355, 361; 36461, ff. 412, 418; and 438, 499 (Reputed confessions by Lady Caroline Lamb concerning her intercourse with Byron); 36463, f. 104; 36464, ff. 259, 260; 36465, ff. 86, 88; 36466, ff. 18, 263, 278, 284; 36469, ff. 109, 111, 113 (Letters on Byrons proposed burial in Westminster Abbey); 36472, ff. 148, 151; 36622 (Diary of Williams, E. E., relating to Byron, 18212).
Fugitive Pieces . Newark, 1806. [Privately printed; entire issue destroyed excepting three copies.] Rptd. in facsimile, 1886.
Poems on Various Occasions. Newark, 1807. [Only 100 copies printed.]
Hours of Idleness: A Series of Poems, Original and Translated. By George Gordon, Lord Byron, a Minor . Newark, 1807.
Imitations and Translations from the Ancient and Modern Classics, together with Original Poems never before published. Collected by Hobhouse, J. C., B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1809.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. From the last London edition. 2 vols. Boston [U.S.A.], 1813. London, 1814.
The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 2 vols. 1815. [Consisting of separately published works, with collective title prefixed.] 1817. 8 vols. 181520. 8 vols. 1815, 181720.
Poems on his own Domestic Circumstances. i. Fare thee well! ii. A Sketch from Private Life. By Lord Byron. With the Star of the Legion of Honour, and other poems. [Seven poems.] 1816. 2nd edn. 1816. Another edn. Dublin, 1816. 6th edn., containing eight poems. 1816. 8th edn., containing nine poems. 1816. 15th edn., containing nine poems. 1816.
The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron. 5 vols. 1817. 8 vols. 181822. 13 vols. Leipzig, 181822. Vols. IIII. 1819. Comprehending all his suppressed poems. Embellished with a portrait and a sketch of his lordships life . 2nd edn. 6 vols. Paris, 1819. Also 16 vols. Paris, 18224.
Three Poems not included in the Works of Byron (Lines to Lady T., The Aenigma, The Curse of Minerva). 1818.
Works. (English Bards, Curse of Minerva, The Waltz.) Philadelphia, 1820.
Works of Lord Byron. 5 vols. 1821. Vols. V, VI, VII. 1824, 1825.
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, with a biographical and critical notice by Lake, J. W. 7 vols. Paris, 1825.
The Works of Lord Byron, including the suppressed poems. (The Life of Lord Byron [by Lake, J. W. With the facsimile of a letter to the editor of Galignanis Messenger].) Paris, 1826, 1828. Reissued on fine paper with a new title-page. 1827.
The Works of Lord Byron. 4 vols. 1826. 6 vols. 1829. Reissued in 4 vols. 1829. 4 vols. 1830. 6 vols. 1831.
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, including his Lordships suppressed poems, with others never before published. (The Life of Lord Byron. [Abridged from the life by Lake, J. W., with a fac-simile of a letter from Lord Byron to the editor of Galignanis Messenger.]) Paris, 1831.
The Works of Lord Byron: with his letters and journals, and his life by Thomas Moore. 17 vols. 18323. [Vols. IXII bear In fourteen volumes on title-pages.] Also 17 vols. 1835, 1832, 1833. [Vols. 1 and XII dated 1835; vols. IIXI, 1832; vols. XIIIXVI, 1833.]
The Complete Works of Lord Byron, reprinted from the last London edition, with considerable additions, now first published; containing notes and illustrations by Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey, Egerton Brydges, Wilson, Hobhouse, Dallas, Hunt, Milman, Lockhart, Bowles, Heber, Medwin, Gamba, Croly, Ugo Foscolo, Ellis, Kennedy, Parry, Stanhope, Galt, Nathan, Lady Blessington, Mrs. Shelley etc. and a complete index, to which is prefixed a Life, by Henry Lytton Bulwer. Paris, 1835.
The Works of Lord Byron, Complete in one volume. With notes by Thomas Moore, Lord Jeffrey, Sir Walter Scott, Bishop Heber, Samuel Rogers etc. 1837. Reissued 1845, 1850 and with portrait and illustrative engravings, 1859.
The Poetical Works, Letters and Journals, of Lord Byron: with notices of his life by Thomas Moore. [This collection was formed by Watts, Wm., and consists of the Poetical Works of Lord Byron, in eight volumes, published by Murray, 1839; and the Letters and Journals of Lord Byron: with notices of his life by Moore, T., in two volumes, published by Murray, 1830; to which have been added Byrons Letter to****
*, on the Rev. W. L. Bowless Strictures on the life and writings of Pope . Second edition, and a few other printed papers; also numerous views, portraits, autograph letters and signatures of distinguished persons, etc.] 44 vols. 1844 [1839].
The Works of Lord Byron; in verse and prose. Including his letters, journals, etc. With a sketch of his life. [Ed. Halleck, Fitz Greene.] Hartford [U.S.A.], 1847.
The Works of Lord Byron: with a life and illustrative notes, by William Anderson. 2 vols. Edinburgh, [1850].
The Complete Works of Lord Byron containing besides the notes and illustrations by Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey considerable additions
and original notes; to which is prefixed a life by Thomas Moore [abridged] . 2nd edn. Frankfort, 1852.
The Illustrated Byron. With upwards of two hundred engravings from original drawings by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, H. K. Browne, Gustave Janet and E. Morin. [1854, 1855.]
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. A new edn. 6 vols. 1855, 1856.
New edn., the text carefully revised. 1857. Reissued 1867.
With illustrations by Halswelle, Keeley. (The Life of Lord Byron. By Leighton, Alexander.) Edinburgh, 1861. Also [1868].
10 vols. Boston [U.S.A.], 1861.
Works of Lord Byron . 2nd edn. 5 vols. 1866. Collection of British Authors. Vols. VIIIXI. 1841, etc.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. With illustrations by Gilbert, F. [1869.]
With illustrative notes by Moore, Jeffrey, Scott, etc. New York, 1869.
Ed., with a critical memoir, by Rossetti, W. M. Illustrated by Brown, Ford Maddox. 1870. Reissued, [1872].
The Complete Poetical Works of Lord Byron. With an introductory memoir by Scott, William B. With illustrations. [1874.] Also 1883, reissued 1887; and 3 vols., 1886 [1885].
Poetry of Byron, chosen and arranged by Arnold, M. 1881.
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Edited with a critical memoir, by Rossetti, W. M. Illustrated by Seccombe, T. [1882.]
With original and additional notes. 12 vols. 1885 [1886]. Reissued on larger paper [1891, 1892].
Works, ed. by Henley, W. E. Vol. 1 (Letters, 180413) (no more published). 1897.
The Works of Lord Byron. A new revised and enlarged edn. with illustrations. Poetry (vol. VII. Bibliography.Index.) Ed. by Coleridge, R. H. 7 vols. (Letters and Journals . Ed. by Prothero, R. E. 6 vols.) 13 vols. 18981904.
The Poetical Works. Edited, with a memoir, by Coleridge, E. H. 1905.
The Poems and Plays of Lord Byron. (With an introduction by Trent, W. P.) (Everymans Library.) [1910, etc.] In progress.
Oeuvres complètes de Lord Byron, traduites de langlais par MM. A. P. [i.e. Amédée Pichot] et E. D. S. [i.e. Eusèbe de Salle]; troisième édition, entièrement revue et corrigée. 15 vols. Paris, 18214. 11th edn. 1842.
avec notes et commentaires, comprenant ses mémoires publiés par T. Moore . Traduction nouvelle [in prose] par M. Paulin. 13 vols. Paris, 1830, 1831.
traduction nouvelle . par B. Laroche . Avec les notes et commentaires de Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Moore précédées de lhistoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Lord Byron, par John Galt. 4 vols. Paris, 1836, 1837.
Oeuvres . Traduites en vers français par Orby Hunter et Pascal Ramé. Vols. 1III. [No more published.] Paris, 1845.
Traduction nouvelle [in prose], précédée dun essai sur Lord Byron par Daniel Lesueur [i.e. Jeanne Loiseau]. Vols. 1, II. Paris, 1891, 1892.
Lord Byrons sämmtliche Werke. 12 Thle. Frankfort, 1830, 1831.
Lord Byron. Nach den Anforderungen unserer Zeit neu übersetzt von mehreren. Zweite unveränderte. Ausgabe. 10 vols. Pforzheim, 1842.
Von. O. Gildemeister. 6 vols. Berlin, 1864. 4th edn. 1888.
Frei übersetzt von A. Seubert. 3 vols. Leipzig, [1874].
Opere complete di Lord Byron, voltate dall originale inglese in prosa italiana da C. Rusconi, con note ed illustrazioni del volgarizzatore, nonchè dei signori Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell . ec., ec., a cui si aggiungono i dialoghi di Lord Byron compilati da M. Medwin, un saggio sul di lui geniouna prefazionee un appendice, parte desunti da altri scritli parte tradotti parte originali. 2 vols. Padua, 1842.
Opere di Lord Giorgio Byron, precedute da un saggio intorno al genio e al carattere del medesimo. Naples, 1886. Another edn. Naples, 1891.
[char] H. B. 5 vols. Petrograd, 18646. 2nd] edn. 18747. 3rd edn. 18834.
Poezye Lorda Byrona w przektadzce polskich poetów. Warsaw, 1885 ff.
Tà A 3 vols. Athens, 1895.
Dramas. By Lord Byron. In Two Volumes [vol. 1. Manfred, Marino Faliero, Heaven and Earth, Sardanapalus; vol. II. The Two Foscari, Cain, The Deformed Transformed, Werner]. 1837. Also 1853.
Marino Faliero e I Due Foscari. Tragedie di Lord G. Byron. Versione dall original inglese del P. G. B. Cereseto delle scuole pie. Savona, 1845.
Tragedie di Giorgio Lord Byron. Traduzione del Cav. Andrea Maffei. Sardanapalo. Marino Faliero. I Due Foscari. Florence, 1862.
Lord Byrons Dramatische Werke. Deutsch von W. Grüzmacher. Manfred. Kain. Himmel und Erde. Sardanapal. (Nos. 112, 113 of the Bibliothek ausländischer Klassiker.) Hildburghausen, 1870.
Poemas dramáticos de Lord Byron. Cain. Sardanápalo. Manfredo. Traducidos en verso castellano. Madrid, 1886.
Udvalgte dramatiske Digte og Fortællinger af Byron. Oversattee af E. Lembcke. Copenhagen, 18736.
Correspondence of Lord Byron, with a friend, including his letters to his mother, written from Portugal, Spain, Greece, and the shores of the Mediterranean, 1809, 1810, and 1811. Also recollections of the Poet, by the late R. C. Dallas, and a continuation and preliminary statement of the proceedings by which the letters were suppresed in England, at the suit of Lord Byrons executors. By Dallas, A. R. C. 3 vols. Paris, 1825.
Letters and Journals of Lord Byron: with notices of his life, by Thomas Moore. 2 vols. 1830. Also Paris, 1831. A new edn. complete in one volume. 1847. New and complete edn. with portraits and illustrations. 1860. New and revised edn. with twelve illustrations. 1875 [1874].
Mémoires de Lord Byron, publiées par Thomas Moore; traduites de langlais par Louise S. Belloc. 5 vols. Paris, 1830.
Eine Autobiographie nach Tagebüchern und Briefen. Mit Einleitung und Erläuterungen von E. Engel. Ergänzungsband zu Byrons Werken. Zweite Auflage. Berlin, 1876.
Moore, T. Prose and Verse; with suppressed passages from the Memoirs of Byron. 1878.
Letters. Selected and edited with introduction by Blind, M. 1886, 1905.
Letters and Journals. 6 vols. Edited Prothero, R. E. See 18981904 edn. of Works.
Lettres, trad. par J. Delachaume, avec une préface de G. Clemenceau. 1911.
Address spoken at the opening of Drury Lane Theatre. 1812.
The Age of Bronze; or, Carmen Seculare et Annus haud Mirabilis. 1823. 3rd edn. 1823.
Beppo, a Venetian story . 1818. [Several other edns. same year.]
Beppo, eene Venetiaansche vertelling. Naar het Engelsch van Lord Byron. Amsterdam, 1834.
Beppo . Traduit en vers français, avec texte anglais en regard. Paris, 1865.
Beppo. Dommedagssynet . Oversatte af Alfred Ipsen. Copenhagen, 1891.
The Bride of Abydos. A Turkish Tale. 1813. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th edns., 1813. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, 1814; 11th, 1815. Another edn., 1825, also [1844].
De Abydeensche Verloofde. Uit het Engelsch . door J. van Lennep. Amsterdam, 1826.
Narzeczona z Abydos. Powieść Turecka. 1838.
Lorda Byrona Nev&ebreve;sta z Abydu: pov&ebreve;st Turecká. Z Anglického p&rbreve;elo&zbreve;il J. V. Fri&cbreve;. Prague, 1854.
Die Braut von Abydos. Der Traum. Zwei Gedichte . Im Versmass des Originals übertragen von O. Riedel. Hamburg, 1872.
Cain, a mystery. 1821. [With Sardanapalus and The Two Foscari.] Cf. Schaffner, A., Lord Byrons Cain und seine Quellen. 1880.
By the author of Don Juan. 1822.
By Lord Byron. To which is added a Letter from the author to Mr. Murray, the original publisher. 1822.
Caïn, mystère dramatique en trois actes. Paris, 1823.
Kain. Ein Mysterium. Mazeppa . Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Friederike Friedmann. Leipzig, 1855.
Kain: poemat dramatyczny . w trzech aktach, przetożyt A. Pajgert. Lwów, 1868.
Kain: dramatická báse&nbreve; . P&rbreve;elo&zbreve;il J. Durdík. Poesie Sv&ebreve;tová, etc. Pt. 1. 1871.
Cain. Misterie-spel . Metrische vertaling met inleiding en aanteekeningen door S. A. Kok. The Hague, 1906.
Childe Harolds Pilgrimage [Cantos 1 and II]. A romaunt. [With fourteen other poems] 1812. 2nd edn. [with twenty other poems], 1812. 3rd edn. [and other poems], 1812. 4th and 5th edns., 1812. 6th edn., 1813. 8th edn., 1814. 10th edn., 1815. 11th edn., 1819. Canto the third. 1816. Canto the fourth [with other poems]. 1818. A romaunt in four cantos. 2 vols. 1819. Also 1825, 1826, 1827, [1830?], New York, [1831], 1837, with illustrations, 1841. With memoir by Spalding, W. [1866.] Ed. Hiley,
W. 1877. Ed. Tozer, H. F. 1885, 1907 (Oxford). Ed. Keene, H. G. 1893. Ed. Gollancz, I. 1898. (The Temple Classics.) Ed. Morris, E. E. 2 vols. 1899. Ed. Thompson, A. Hamilton. Cambridge, 1913.
Cf. Hobhouse, J. C., Historical Illustrations of the fourth Canto of Childe Harold, 1818; Kölbing, E., Zur Textüberlieferung von Byrons Childe Harold, Cantos III, 1896; Maier, H., Entstehungsgeschichte von Byrons Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, III, 1911; Moll, O. E. E., Der Stil von Byrons Childe Harolds Pilgrimage. (Normannia. Vol. X.) Berlin, 1911.
Childe Harolds Pilgrimsfärd . Öfversatt af A. F. Skjöldebrand. Stockholm, 1832.
Ritter Harolds Pilgerfahrt . Im Versmass des Originals übersatzt J. C. von Zedlitz. Stuttgart and Tübingen, 1836.
A Kalóz . Forditotta Kacziány Géza. No. 311 of the Olcsó Könyvtár. Budapest, 1892.
Uhde, H. Zur Poetik von Byrons Corsair. Bergedorf, 1907.
The Curse of Minerva . Printed by Davison, T. 1812. [This first edition is very rare.]
The Curse of Minerva. A poem. Philadelphia, 1815. 3rd edn., Paris, 1818. 4th edn., Paris, 1820.
The Deformed Transformed; a drama. 1824. 2nd and 3rd edns., 1824. Cf. Varnhagen, H., Über Byrons dramatisches Bruchstück Der umgestaltete Missgestaltete. 1905.
Lord Byron Elváltoztatott idomtalanjából töredék. Lukács Móricztól. Budaposti Árvizköniv, etc. Kot. 4. 1840, etc.
Don Juan. [Cantos I and II.] 1819. A new edn., 1819. Another edn., 1819. A new edn., 1820; another edn., 1820; a new edn., 1822. Cantos III, IV and V. 1821. 5th edn. revised and corrected, 1821. [Cantos IV] . with a preface by a Clergyman. 1822. Cantos VI, VII and VIII. 1823. Cantos VI, VII, VIII (IXXI). 1823. Cantos IX, X and XI. 1823. Cantos XII, XIII and XIV. 1823. Cantos XV and XVI. 1824. A poem. [Sixteen cantos.] 5 pts. 1822 [-4]. A new, revised and enlarged edition with illustrations. Ed. by Coleridge, Ernest Hartley. 1906.
Don Juan . Första Sången. Med upplysande och utwalde noter. Öfversatt ifr&oring;n engelska originalet. Stockholm, 1838.
Byrons Don Juan übersetzt von O. Gildemeister. 2 vols. Bremen, 1845. Also translated by A. Böttger, Leipzig, 1849; and W. Schäffer, 1867.
[char]. H. Petrograd, 1846.
Don Juan . Tradusâ de I. Eliade. [A translation in prose of cantos I, II.] Bukarest, 1847.
Don Żuan . Pieśń pierwsza, prezetożona przez W. z Baworowa. Canto I. Tarnopol. 1863.
Don Juan de Lord Byron. Traduction nouvelle, précédée dune préface de M. Legouvé. Paris, [1869].
Il Don Juan . Recato in altrettante stanze italiane dal Cavaliere E. Casali. Milan, 1876.
Don Juan, poema . Traduccion [into Spanish prose] de F. Villabra. 2 vols. Madrid, 1876. Also by J. A. R. Barcelona, 1883.
Don Juan. Oversat paa Dansk af H. Drachmann. Med. Indledningsog Slutningsdigte af Oversætteren. 2 vols. Copenhagen, 18801902.
The Dream. Byrons Dream, illustrated. [1849.]
German transl., see under The Bride of Abydos.
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. [In the Egerton collection of MSS. in the B. M. (2028) are the proof sheets of this satire, corrected by Byron, in which the title is given as The British Bards; a Satire, and dated 1808. 2029 contains proof sheets of Hints from Horace, being a partial imitation of the Epistle Ad Pisones, and intended as a sequel to English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.]
A Satire. [1809.]
2nd edn., 1809. 3rd edn. [of which there are various issues], 1810. 4th edn. [several issues] 1810 and 1811. 4th [or rather the 5th suppressed edn.], 1811. Another edn., New York, 1817. Paris, 1818.
Deutsche Dramatiker und Hamburger Kritiker. Eine Satyre, Byrons English bards and Scotch reviewers frei und zeitgemäss nachgebildet vom Verfasser des Mohammed [G. F. Daumer]. Berlin, 1857.
Fare Thee Well. [1816.]
a poem. A Sketch from Private Life, a poem. Bristol, 1816.
The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. 1813. New edn., with some additions, 1813. 3nd edn., with considerable additions, 1813. 5th edn., 1813. 6th edn., 1813. 7th edn., 1813. 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th edns., 1814. 14th edn., 1815.
Der Gauer, metrisch bearbeitet. Berlin, 1819.
Poezye Lorda Byrona ttumaczone, Giaur przez A. Mickiewicza, Korsarz przez E. Odyńca. Paris, 1835.
[char] E. [In prose.] Petrograd, 1862.
[char]. Athens, 1873.
Heaven and Earth, a mystery. 1824. Another edn., [1825?]. [First printed in The Liberal, No. II, vol. 1, 1822.]
Mayn, G. Über Lord Byrons Heaven and Earth. Breslau, 1887.
Hebrew Melodies. (On the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart.) 1815. Also 1823 and 1825. Cf. Beutler, C. A., Über Lord Byrons Hebrew Melodies. 1912.
Hebräische Gesänge. Aus dem Englischen des Lord Byron von F. Theremin. Mit beigedrucktem englischen Text. Berlin, 1820.
Melodie ebraiche di Lord G. Byron. Versione di P. P. Parzanese. Naples, 1837.
Hebreiska Melodier . Öfversatta af T. Lind. Helsingfors, 1862.
Jdiske sange. Oversatte af J. Andresen-Halmrast. Christiania, 1889.
Hebrew Melodies . Translated by S. Mandelkern. Leipzig, 1890.
Hours of Idleness. See Early Collections.
The Island, or Christian and his comrades. 1823.
Lotz, C. Quellenstudie über Lord Byrons The Island. Leipzig Diss. 1902.
The Lament of Tasso. 1817. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th edns., 1817. 6th edn., 1818.
Lamento del Tasso . Recato in Italiano da M. Leoni. Pisa, 1818. Also by G. Polidori, 1843, and G. Godio, 1873.
Los Lamentaciones del Tasso. Version [in prose] de J. A. R. 1883.
Lara, a tale. Jacqueline, a tale. 1814.
Il Lara di Lord Byron. Tradotto dal Signor Girolami Ce Bazoldo . con giunta di tre altre traduzioni dall inglese, una dal tedesco, e tre canzoni dell autore. Paris, 1828.
[char] 1860.
Lara. (Öfversättning af Talis Qualis [pseud., i. e. Carl Wilhelm August Strandberg].) Stockholm, 1869.
Lara . P&rbreve;elo&zbreve;il &Cbreve;en&ebreve;k Ibl. See ante, The Corsair (Korsár).
Manfred, a dramatic poem. 1817. Second edn., 1817. Also 1824. Cf. Lohmann, Byrons Manfred und sein Verhältnis zu Dichtungen verwandten Inhalts. Anglia, v, pp. 291 ff. 1882; Varnhagen, Hermann, De rebus quibusdam compositionem Byronis Dramatis quod Manfred inscribitur praecedentibus, etc. Erlangen, 1909.
Manfred Oversat af P. F. Wulff. Copenhagen, 1820.
Byrons Manfred. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der gegenwärtigen deutschen dramatischen Kunst und Poesie, von Posgaru [i.e. Suckow, G. F. W.]. Breslau, 1839. Also German translations by H. von Kösen, Leipzig, 1858; L. Freytag, Berlin, 1872; W. Starke, Munich, 1912.
Manfred, poëme dramatique traduit par Madame la Comtesse de Lalaing. [In prose.] Seconde édition. Brussels, 1852.
Manfred. Een dramatisch gedicht naar Lord Byron, door J. R. Steinmetz. Amsterdam, 1857. Also by W. Gosler, 1882.
Manfredo, poema drammatico versione in prosa. [By Pellico, Silvio.] 1859.
Manfred Przeklad wolny na wiersz polski przez M. Chodzke. Paris, [1859].
Manfredo, poema dramático, trad. por D. J. Alcalá Galiano y Fernandez de las Peñas. Madrid, 1861.
[char]. Patras, 1864.
Manfred . Forditotta Abrányi Emil. Budapest, 1891.
Manfred. Dramska pjesan u tri razdjela U mjerilu izvornika preveo Stjepan Meldti&cbreve;. Zagreb, 1894.
Manfred. Poemă dramatic&abreve în tre&ibreve; acte (by T. M. Stoenescu). 1896.
Manfred. Báse&nbreve; dramati&cbreve;ká. P&rbreve;elo&zbreve;il Jaroslav Vrchlicky. (Rediguje Jaroslav Kvapil.) Prague, 1901.
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An historical tragedy, in five acts. With notes. The Prophecy of Dante, a poem. 1821. Also 1823 and 1824.
Marino Faliero, e I Due Foscari, tragedie . Versione dall originale inglese del P. G. B. Cereseto. Savona, 1845.
Marino Faliero, Doge von Venedig . Freie Übersetzung von Thierry Preyer. Frankfort, 1883. Also transl. by A. Fitger. Oldenbourg, 1886.
Mazeppa, a poem. (Ode [to Venice]A Fragment [in prose].) 1819. Paris, 1819. Also 1824. Mazeppa, or the Wild Horse of the Ukraine, etc. [1854?].
Mazeppa. Powieść. 1843. Tómaczenia. Vol. V.
Mazeppa, nach Lord Byron, von F. Freiligrath. In, Nachgelassenes. Stuttgart, 1883.
Engländer, D. Lord Byrons Mazeppa. Eine Studie. Berlin, 1897.
Monody on the Death of the Right Honourable R. B. Sheridan, written at the request of a friend to be spoken at Drury Lane Theatre. 1816. Also 1817 and 1818.
[Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill.] A Political Ode by Lord Byron, hitherto unknown as his production. [Ed. Pearson, J.] 1880. [Only 100 copies printed.]
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1814. Also 1816 and 1818.
Parisina. A poem. 1816. See post: The Siege of Corinth.
Parisina. Poema Traduzione italiana in versi. Milan, 1821.
Parisina, poème de Lord Byron et fragment de Nicolas de Ferrare Avec commentaires et notices. Paris, 1900.
The Prisoner of Chillon, and other poems. 1816. Another edn. Lausanne, 1818.
Der Gefangene von Chillon. Dichtung In deutscher Übersetzung mit historischer Einleitung von M. von der Marwitz. Vevey and Lausanne, [1865?]. Also by J. G. Hagmann. Leipzig, 1892.
The Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems. Mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen herausg. von E. Köbing. Weimar, 1896.
Bandinginn í Chillon og Draumurinn Steingrimur Thorsteinson íslenzka&obreve;i. (Ágrip af aefi Byrons og athugasemdir.) Kaupmannahöfn, 1866.
The Prophecy of Dante. 1821. See ante, Marino Faliero. Another edn. 1825.
La Profecía del Dante. Poema Traducido del Frances por A.M. Viscayno, etc. [In prose.] Mexico, 1850.
La Profezia di Dante. Poema in quattro canti Tradotto in terzine italiane da Edoardo Roncaldier. Rome, Milan, [1904].
Sardanapalus, a tragedy. The Two Foscari, a tragedy. Cain, a mystery. 1821. Also, Sardanapalus, 1829.
Sardanapale, tragédie imitée de Lord Byron par L. Alvin. Brussels, 1834.
[char] Petrograd, 1860.
Sardanapalo. Tragedia adaptada a scena [by Guimarães, F. J. Pinheiro]. Traducções poeticas. 1863.
Sardanapalus: sorgespel i fem akter Försvenskadt och för scenen behandladt af N. Arfvidsson. Stockholm, 1864.
[char] [with other poems], X. A. Athens, 1865.
Sardanapal Przeklad F. Krauzego. Warsaw, 1872.
Sardanapalo. Tragedia in 5 atti. [In prose.] Milan, 1884.
The Siege of Corinth. A poem. Parisina. A poem. 1816. Also 1824.
El Sitio de Corinto. Traducido del Francés al Castellano. [In prose.] Paris, 1828.
Het Beleg van Corinthe, uit het Engelsch van Lord Byron. Door J. van Lennep. Amsterdam, 1831.
The Two Foscari, a tragedy. 1821. See ante, Sardanapalus.
Les Deux Foscari, tragédie historique. Beppo, poème humoristique. Traduction en vers par A. Morisseau. Paris, 1881.
Verses to a Beautiful Quaker. 1806. [Privately ptd.]
The Vision of Judgment. Paris, 1823. [First ptd. in The Liberal, No. 1, vol. 1. 1822.]
Waltz By Horace Hornem, Esq. Paris, 1821.
an apostrophic hymn. By Horace Hornem, Esq. (the author of Don Juan). [With other verses, to which Byrons name is attached.] 1821.
Werner, a tragedy. 1823. Paris, 1823. New York, 1848. Cf. Stoehsel, C., Lord Byrons Trauerspiel Werner und seine Quelle. (Erlanger Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, vol. XI.) 1891.
[char] Petrograd, 1829.
Besides Heaven and Earth and The Vision of Judgment previously mentioned, the following first appeared in The Liberal:
Letter to the Editor of My Grandmothers Review. No. 1, vol. 1. 1822.
Epigrams on Lord Castlereagh. No. 1, vol. 1. 1822.
The Blues, A Literary Eclogue. No. 3, vol. II. 1823.
Morgante Maggiore di Messer Luigi Pulci. No. 4, vol. II. 1823.
Ackermann, Richard. Lord Byron. Sein Leben, seine Werke, sein Einfluss auf die deutsche Litteratur. Heidelberg, 1901.
Lord Byrons Verlobung, Ehe und Scheidung. Englische Studien. Vol. XXXII, pp. 185200. 1903.
Allais, G. Le pessimisme romantique (Byron et Musset). Revue des Cours et Conférences. X. 1897.
Althaus, Friedrich. Der wahre Lord Byron. Nord und Süd. Vol. XXVII, pp. 31226. 1881.
Arbaud, Léon. Lord et Lady Byron. Une calomnie rétrospective. Le Correspondant. Nouvelle série, vol. XLV, pp. 17489. Paris, 1870.
Arnold, Matthew. Byron. Essays in Criticism. Second Series. 1888.
Austin, Alfred. A Vindication of Lord Byron. 1869.
Byron and Wordsworth. The Bridling of Pegasus. 1910.
Axon, W. A. E. Byrons Influence on European Literature. (In Stray Chapters on Literature, Folk-lore and Archaeology. 1888.)
Belloc, Louisa S. Lord Byron. 1824.
Beyle, Henri (De Stendhal). Lord Byron en Italie. (Appended to Racine et Shakespeare.) Paris, 1854.
Blaquiere, E. Narrative of a second visit to Greece. The last days of Lord Byron, etc. 1825.
Blaze de Bury, H. Lord Byron et le Byronisme. Revue des Deux Mondes. 1 Oct. 1872.
Bleibtreu, Karl. Byron. Geschichte der englischen Litteratur im 19. Jahrhundert, pp. 151321. Leipzig, [1888].
Byron der Übermensch, sein Leben und sein Dichten. Jena, [1897].
Das Byron-Geheimnis. Munich and Leipzig, 1912.
Blessington, Lady. Conversations with Lord Byron. 1834.
Blümel, Magnus. Die Unterhaltungen Lord Byrons mit der Gräfin Blessington als ein Beitrag zur Byronbiographie kritisch untersucht. (Breslau Diss.) Breslau, 1900.
Böhme, Traugott. Spensers literarisches Nachleben bis zu Shelley. Palaestra. Vol. XCIII. Byron, pp. 25962. Berlin, 1911.
Bowles, W. L. Letters to Byron on a question of poetic criticism. 3rd edn. 1818.
Brandes, G. Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. Vol. IV. 1905.
Brandl, Alois. Goethes Verhältnis zu Byron. Goethe-Jahrbuch. Vol. XX, pp. 137. Frankfort, 1899.
Goethe und Byron. Österreichische Rundschau, 1, 1883.
Leopold. Die Broughton-Papers und ihr Verhältnis zur Byron-Frage. Englische Studien. Vol. XLI, pp. 26788. 1909.
Brecknock, A. The Pilgrim Poet, Lord Byron of Newstead, etc. 1911.
Brougham, Lord. On Byrons Poems. Edinburgh Review, 1820. (Occasioned by English Bards, etc.)
Broughton, Lord (John Cam Hobhouse). Recollections of a long life. Ed. Lady Dorchester. Vol. II, pp. 191355.
The Byron Separation. 6 vols. 190911.
Brydges, Sir Samuel E. Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron. 1824.
An Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron as a Poet and a Man. 1825. 1854.
Byron, Lord, and his Detractors. Roxburghe club. 1906. [In answer to Millbankes Astarte. 1905.]
Byron painted by his Compeers; or, all about Lord Byron, from his marriage to his death, as given in the various newspapers of his day, shewing wherein the American novelist [Stowe, H. B.] gives a truthful account, and wherein she
draws on her own morbid imagination. [With two original poems of Lady Byron.] 1869. [See Stowe, Harriet Beecher.]
Life, The, Writings, Opinions and Times of the Right Hon. George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron By an English gentleman, in the Greek military service, and comrade of His Lordship. Compiled from the authentic documents and from long personal acquaintance. 3 vols. 1825.
Opinions of Lord Byron on Man, Manners, and Things: with the Parish Clerks Album, kept at his burial place, Hucknall Torkard. [Ed. L., J. M.] 1834.
Byroniana und Anderes aus dem englischen Seminar in Erlangen. (Zur Begrüssung der VII. Hauptversammlung des Bayerischen Neuphilologen-Verbandes. Erlangen, II. bis 13 April, 1912). Erlangen, 1912. [Contains an excellent bibliography of Byrons works, together with biographies and criticism, English and foreign.]
Calcaño, J. Tres Poetas pesimistas del siglo XIX (Lord Byron, Shelley, Leopardi). Estudio crítico. 1907.
Cantù, C. Lord Byron and his Works. A biography and essay. [1883.]
Castelar, E. Vida de Lord Byron. Havana, 1873. Trans. Arnold, A. 1875.
Chasles, V. E. P. Vie et influence de Byron sur son époque. Études sur la Littérature et les Murs de lAngleterre au XIXe siècle. Paris, [1850].
Chesterton, G. K. The Optimism of Byron. Twelve types. 1902.
Chew, S. C., Junr. The Dramas of Lord Byron. Hesperia, Ergänzungsreihe. Göttingen, 1914.
Chiarini, G. Lord Byron nella politica e nella letteratura della prima metà del secolo. Nuova Antologia. Vol. XXXIV. (1891.)
Churchman, P. H. Byron and Espronceda, etc. 1909.
Lord Byrons Experiences in the Spanish Peninsula in 1809, etc. [1909.]
The Beginnings of Byronism in Spain. Revue hispanique. Vol. XXIII. (1910.)
Clark, W. J. Byron und die romantische Poesie in Frankreich. Diss. Leipzig, 1901.
Clinton, G. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron. 1825, 1827.
Collins, J. C. The Works of Lord Byron. In Studies in Poetry and Criticism. Pp. 78 ff. 1905.
Colton, C. C. Remarks, critical and moral, on the talents of Byron. 1819.
Courthope, W. J. The Liberal Movement in English Literature. 1886.
Dallas, A. R. C. (ed.). Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814. 1824.
Dallois, J. Études morales et littéraires à propos de Lord Byron. 1890.
Dobelli, A. Dante e Byron. Giornale Dante. 1898.
Dowden, Edward. Life of Shelley. 2 vols. 1886.
Byron. Atalanta. Pp. 57781. June, 1890.
Duff, J. Wight. Byron and Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1902.
Byron. The Bookman. Pp. 914. October, 1905.
Dühring, E. Byron, seine Gesellschaftskritik und Stellung über den Dichtern. Leipzig, 1910.
Eberty, F. Lord Byron. Eine Biographie. Leipzig, 1862.
Eckermann, J. P. Gespräche mit Goethe in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens. Leipzig, 1837, 1848, 1884, etc.
Edgcumbe, Richard. Byron; The Last Phase. New York, 1909.
Eichler, A. John Hookham Frere: sein Leben und seine Werke; sein Einfluss auf Lord Byron. (Wiener Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, vol. XX.) Vienna, 1905.
Eimer, Manfred. Lord Byron und die Kunst. Strassburg, 1907.
Die personlichen Beziehungen zwischen Byron und den Shelleys. (Anglistische Forschungen, Hft. XXXII.) Heidelberg, 1910.
Byron und der Kosmos. Ein Beitrag zur Weltanschauung des Dichters und den Ansichten seiner Zeit. (Anglistische Forschungen, Hft. XXXIV.) 1912.
Byrons Pantheismus vom Jahre 1816. Englische Studien. Vol. XLIII, pp. 396425. 1911.
Neuere deutsche Byron- und Shelleyliteratur. Englische Studien. Vol. XLIV, pp. 13042. 1911. Vol. XLIV, pp. 42328. 1912.
Byrons Beziehungen zur deutschen Kultur. Anglia. Vol. XXXVI, pp. 31359, 397449. 1912.
Elton, Oliver. A Survey of English Literature, 17801830. 1912.