The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Vol. 3. Renascence and Reformation.

I. Englishmen and the Classical Renascence.


Allen, P. S. Opus Epistolarum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami denuo recognitum et auctum. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1906.
Altmeyer, J. J. Les précurseurs de la Réforme aux Pays-bas. Brussels, 1886. [Vol. 1 deals with Erasmus.]
Americi Vesputii Navigationes (appended to Cosmographiae Introductio). St. Dié, 1507.
Amiel, E. Un libre-penseur du XVIme siècle: Érasme. Paris, 1889.
Bibliotheca Erasmiana: Répertoire des uvres d’Érasme. Ghent, 1893.
——Bibliographie des œuvres d’Érasme Ghent, 1897.
Blomfield, R. A History of Renaissance architecture in England, 1500–1800. 2 vols. 1897.
Botfield, B. Prefaces to the first editions of the Greek and Roman Classics. 1861.
Brémond, H. Sir Thomas More. Trans. Child, H. 1904.
Bridgett, T. E. The life and writings of Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England and Martyr under Henry VIII. 2nd ed. 1892.
——Life of Blessed John Fisher. 1888.
Buchanan, George. Rudimenta grammatices T. Linacri ex Anglico sermone in Latinum … G. B. Paris, 1533 (and later editions).
Buisson, F. Répertoire des ouvrages pédagogiques du XVIme siècle. Paris, 1886.
——Sébastien Castellion: Sa vie et son œuvre. 2 vols. Paris, 1892.
Burigny, Leveresque de. Vie d’Érasme. Paris, 1757.
Burrows, M. On Grocyn and Linacre. In Oxford Historical Society. Collectanea, II. 1890.
Caius, John (1510–73), refounder and master of Gonville Hall, Cambridge; editor and translator of Galen. His Boke or Counseill against the Disease commonly called the Sweate or Sweatyng Sicknesse 1552, in English and in Latin, “is the classical account of that remarkable epidemic”: J. Bass Mullinger in D. of N. B.
Cayley, Sir A. Memoirs of Sir Thomas More. 1808.
Colet, John. Daily Devotions, or the Christian’s Morning and Evening Sacrifice. 22nd ed. 1722. [=A righte fruitfull admonition concerning the order of a good Christian man’s life, 1534 ff.]
——Opus de Sacramentis Ecclesiae. Ed. Lupton, J. H. (also of the following books). 1867.
Colet, John. Treatises on Hierarchies of Dionysius. 1869.
——An Exposition of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. 1873.
——An Exposition of St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians. 1874.
——Letters to Radulphus on the Mosaic account of the Creation…. 1876.
Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol. 1, chap. V, The Early Renaissance, and vol. II, chap. 1, The Intellectual Conflict in Europe in the Sixteenth Century: The Papacy, the Empire and the Nation: Catholicism and Chivalry, etc. 1895, 1897.
Croke, Richard (1489?–1558), Cambridge scholar and pupil of Grocyn. For his oration on behalf of Greek, when teaching in Cambridge, see J. Bass Mullinger’s University of Cambridge, vol. 1, 527 ff.
Dorne, John. See Oxford Historical Society.
Drummond, R. B. Erasmus, his Life and Character as shown in his Correspondence and Works. 2 vols. 1873.
Durand de Laur, H. Érasme, précurseur et initiateur de l’esprit moderne. 2 vols. Paris, 1872.
Einstein, L. The Italian Renaissance in England. New York, 1892.
Elyot, Sir Thomas. The Boke named the Governour devised by Sir T. E., 1531. Best edition by Croft, H. H. S. 1883.
——A swete and devoute sermon of holy saynte Ciprian of the mortalitie of man. The rules of a christian lyfe made by Picus, erle of Mirandula. Both translated into englyshe by Syr Thomas Elyot, Knyghte. 1534.
——Bibliotheca Eliotae—Eliotes [Latin and English] Dictionarie, by Cooper, T. 1532, 1538, 1552 ff.
——The Bankette of Sapience compyled by Syr T. Eliot, Knyghte, and newly augmented with dyverse tytles and sentences. 1539.
——The Image of Governance, compiled of the actes and sentences notable of … Alexander Severus. 1540.
——The Castel of Helth. 1534, 1539, 1541 ff.
——Pasquil the Playne, a dialogue on talkativeness and silence. 1533; Rome, c. 1552.
——Of the Knowledge which maketh a Wise Man. 1533.
——The Doctrine of Princes (trans. from Isocrates). 1534.
——The Education … of Children (trans. from Plutarch). Before 1540.
——Howe one may take profyte of his enmyes. After 1540.
——The Defence of Good Women. 1545.
——A Preservative agaynste Deth. 1545.
Emmerton, Ephraim. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. Heroes of the Reformation Series. New York and London, 1899.
Erasmus, Desiderius. Opera omnia. Ed. Le Clerc. 10 vols. Leyden, 1703–6.
——The whole Familiar Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. Trans. by Bailey, Nathan. 1733, 1877. [Early translation in 1525 and 1535.]
——Enchiridion militis christiani. Antwerp, 1503. Trans., ptd. by Wynkyn de Worde, 1533; rptd. 1905.
——Bellum. English trans. 1533–4.
——Concio de puero Jesu, pronunciata a puero in schola Coletica nuper instituta Londini. Strassburg, 1514.
——Adagia. 1500. Two English translations. 1539.
——Apophthegmata. 1532. The third and fourth books were trans. by Nicholas Udall, under the title, Apophthegmes, that is to saie, prompte, quicke, wittie and sentencious saiyngs, of certain Emperours, kynges, Captaines, Philosophers and Oratours, as well Grekes as Romaines, both veraye pleasaunt and profitable to reade, partely for all maner of persones, and especially Gentlemen. First gathered and compiled in Latine by the ryght famous clerke, Master Erasmus of Roterdame, 1542. Republished 1877, 1900.
——Paraphrase of the New Testament. Vol. 1, trans. by Nicholas Udall, 1548 (second revised edition, 1551); vol, II in 1549.
Feugère, G. Érasme: Étude sur sa vie et ses ouvrages. Paris, 1874.
Fisher, J. (1459?–1535). English works. Vol. 1. Ed. Mayor, J. E. B. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. XXVII. 1876. See also Southey and Burnett’s Specimens of Prose Writers, 3 vols., 1807. Latin Works. Würzburg, 1597. The MS. of his History of the Divorce is in the University Library, Cambridge. See also Vol. IV of the present work.
Foxe or Fox, Richard (1448?–1528), bishop of Winchester, and founder of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, chancellor of the university of Cambridge, master of Pembroke and supporter of the classical renascence. The Contemplacyon of Synners, 1499, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, was written at Foxe’s request.
Froude, J. A. Life and Letters of Erasmus; lectures delivered at Oxford, 1893–4. London and New York, 1894. See also Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1867 ff.
Furnivall, F. J. Ballads from Manuscripts. Ballad Society. 1868.
Geigner, L. Renaissance u. Humanismus in Italien u. Deutschland. Berlin, 1882.
Gibbon, E. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Chap. LXVI.
Grindal, Edmund (1519?–83), Cambridge scholar and archbishop of Canterbury, “shepherd Algrind” of Spenser’s Shepheards Calender. See Remains, ed. Nicholson, W., Parker Society, 1843.
Hallam, H. Introd. to Lit. of Europe during 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. 7th ed. 1864.
Henriques, G. J. C. George Buchanan in the Lisbon Inquisition. Lisbon, 1906.
Horawitz, A. Über die Colloquia des Erasmus. Raumer’s Historisches Taschenbuch. 1887.
——Erasmiana. Sitzungsberichte d. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vienna, 1878–85.
Hutton, W. H. Sir Thomas More. 1895.
Jebb, R. C. Erasmus. Cambridge 1890. Rptd. in Essays and Addresses, 1907.
Johnson, John Noble. Life of Linacre. Ed. Graves, Robert. 1835.
Jortin, J. The Life of Erasmus. 1758–60.
Kämmel, H. Erasmus in Deventer. Jahrbücher für classische Philologie, vol. CX.
Kautsky, C. Thomas More und seine Utopia, mit historische Einleitung. Stuttgart, 1890.
——Geschichte des Sozialismus, 1, ii. Stuttgart, 1895.
Knight, S. Life of Dean Colet. 1823. [Contains Convocation Sermon of 1512.]
——The Life of Erasmus. Cambridge, 1726.
La Bizardière, M. D. de. Histoire d’Érasme. Paris, 1721.
Leclerc, J. Vie d’Érasme tirée de ses lettres. Vols. 1, V, VI, VIII, of the Bibliothèque choisie. Amsterdam, 1703, etc.
Lee, S. Great Englishmen of the sixteenth century. 2nd ed. 1907. [For Sir Thomas More, etc.]
Leland, John. Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis. Oxford, 1709.
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. (Rolls Series.) 1867, etc.
Lilly, W. Renaissance Types. (III, Erasmus; IV, More.) 1904.
Lily, W. [For details of the early editions of Lily’s Grammar, see Lupton, J. H., in D. of N. B.]
Linacre, Thomas. Galen de Temperamentis. Ed. Payne, J. F. Cambridge, 1881. [“One of the first books printed at Cambridge, and said to be the first printed in England in which Greek types were used.” J. F. P. in D. of N. B.]
Lupton, J. H. Life of John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s. 1887. [The standard work.]
Machly. Angelus Politianus. Ein Colturbild aus der Renaissance. Leipzig, 1864.
Manning, A. The Household of Sir Thomas More. 1851 ff.
Milman, H. H. Savonarola, Erasmus…. 1870.
More, Cresacre. Life and death of Sir Thomas More. Ed. Hunter, J. 1828.
More, Sir Thomas. Opera omnia quotquot reperiri potuerant ex Basiliensi anni 1563, et Lovaniensi anni 1566, editionibus depromta. Frankfurt-on-Maine and Leipzig, 1689.
——The Workes of Sir Thomas More, Knyghte, sometyme Lorde Chancellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. 1557. [See Lee, S., D. of N. B., for a complete list of More’s English and Latin writings.]
——Poems (English), rptd. from the folio of 1557 in 1906 (Methuen’s Standard Library). [The Mery Jest how a Sergeaunt wolde lerne to be a Frere is also contained in Hazlitt’s Early Popular Poetry, vol. III, 1866.]
——Utopia. In Latin. Louvain, 1516 (rptd. in Lateinische Litteraturdenkmäler des XV u. XVI Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1895. Ed. Michels, V. and Ziegler, T.).
——English translations of the Utopia: Robynson, Raphe, A fruteful and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the neweyle called Utopia: written in Latyne by Syr Thomas More, Knyght, and translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson, citizen and goldsmith of London, at the procurement and earnest request of George Tadlowe, citizen and haberdasher of the same citie, 1551. Robinson’s translation of the Utopia has been often republished and re-edited. See editions: 1869, in Arber’s English Reprints; 1879, ed. Lumby, J. R., Cambridge; 1893, Kelmscott Press, ed. Morris, W. and Ellis, F. S.; 1895; 1898 (ed. Steele, R., contains a useful bibliography). The edition of 1895 is entitled: The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, in Latin from the edition of March, 1518, and in English from the first edition of Ralph Robynson’s translation, with additional translations, introduction and notes by Lupton, J. H., Oxford, 1895. A trans. of the Utopia was also made by bp. Burnet in 1684, and has been often republished. A third trans. was made by Sir A. Cayley, and is included in the second volume of his Memoirs of Sir Thomas More, 1808.
Morley, H. English Writers. Vol. VII. 1891. [Contains useful bibliographies of Linacre, Grocyn, Colet, More, Fisher, Tindale, etc.]
Müller, A. Leben des Erasmus. Hamburg, 1828.
Mullinger, J. Bass. The University of Cambridge from the earliest time to the Royal Injunctions of 1535. Cambridge, 1884.
Nichols, F. M. The Epistles of Erasmus from his earliest letters to his fifty-first year, arranged in order of time; English translations from his correspondence, with a commentary confirming the chronological arrangement, and supplying further biographical matter. 1901, 1904.
Nisard, J. N. N. D. Études sur la Renaissance … Erasmus, Thomas Morus, Melanchthon. Paris, 1855. 3rd ed. 1877.
Nolhac, P. de. Érasme en Italie: Étude sur un épisode de la Renaissance avec douze lettres inédites d’Érasme. Paris, 1888.
Osler, W. Linacre Memorial Lecture. Cambridge, 1908. [Contains reproductions of title-pages of his works. For a complete list of Linacre’s works, see D. of N.B.]
Oxford Historical Society. Collectanea, I, pp. 71–177 (Day-book of John Dorne); II, pp. 319–380 (Grocyn and Linacre). Oxford, 1885, 1890.
Palsgrave, John. The Comedy of Acolastus translated into oure Englysche tongue … 1540.
Parker, Matthew (1504–75), master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and archbishop of Canterbury. De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae, 1572 (“said to be the first privately printed book in England”: J. Bass Mullinger in D. of N. B.). See also Strype’s Life and Acts of M. P., 1711; The Sources of Abp. Parker’s MSS. at C. C. C. C., James, M. R., Camb. Antiq. Soc., 1899; Kennedy, W. M., Life of Abp. Parker, 1908; and Vol. IV of the present work.
Pecke, T. Parnassi Puerperium…. 1659.
Pennington, A. B. The Life of Erasmus. 1875.
Pocock, Nicholas. Troubles connected with the Prayer Book of 1549. Camden Society. 1884.
Rashdall, H. The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 3 vols. Oxford, 1895.
Reade, C. The Cloister and the Hearth. 1861.
Richter, A. Erasmus-studien. Dresden, 1891.
Roper, William. The Life, Arraignement, and Death of that Mirrour of all true Honour and Vertue, Syr Thomas More. Paris, 1626. Rptd. 1716. The same life was ed. from better MSS. by Lewis, and pub. in 1729.
Schönfeld, H. Die Beziehung der Satire Rabelais’ zu Erasmus’ Encomium Moriae und Colloquia. Baltimore, 1895.
Seebohm, F. The Oxford Reformers of 1498; Colet, More, Erasmus. 1867. 3rd ed. 1887.
Staehlin, R. Erasmus’ Stellung zur Reformation. Basel, 1873.
Stapleton, T. Tres Thomae (St. Thomas, Thomas à Becket, Thomas More). Antwerp, 1588. Cologne, 1612.
Stichart, F. O. Erasmus von Rotterdam, seine Stellung zu der Kirche und zu den kirchlichen Bewegungen seiner Zeit. Leipzig, 1870.
Ten Brink, B. History of English Literature. Eng. trans., vol. II. pp. 310 ff. 1901.
Tovey, D. C. Reviews and Essays. 1897. (More’s Utopia.)
Usteri, J. M. Zwingli und Erasmus: eine reformationsgeschichtliche Studie, Zurich, 1885.
Valla, Laurentius. Opera. Basel, 1540.
Viv&ering;s, Johannes Ludovicus (1492–1540), scholar, of Spanish birth, resident in England, 1523–8. For details of his works see J. Bass Mullinger in D. of N. B., and the same writer in Social England, vol. III, p. 95. His Dialogues have recently been translated into English for the first time by Foster Watson, under the title: Tudor Schoolboy Life (1908). The volume contains a long and useful introduction by the translator.
Volusene, Florence (1504?–47?), humanist, of Scottish birth; his De Animi Tranquillitate Dialogus was first printed by Gryphius in 1539.
Whitford, Richard (fl. 1495–1555?), fellow of Queens’ College, Cambridge, friend of Erasmus and writer of devotional treatises. See his translation The following of Christ, 1556. Ed. Ragnal, W. 1872.
Wilson, Thomas. The Rule of Reason, conteining the Arte of Logique set forthe in Englishe…. 2nd ed. 1552.
——The Arte of Rhetorique for the use of all suche as are studious of eloquence sette forth in Englishe…. 2nd ed. 1562.
——The Three Orations of Demosthenes … in favour of the Olynthians … with those his Four Orations against King Philip of Macedonie … 1570.
Woltmann, A. Holbein und seine Zeit. Leipzig, 1866–68. 2nd ed. 1874–76. Trans. 1872.
Wood, Anthony à. Athenae Oxonienses. 2 vols. 1721. Ed. Bliss, Philip. Oxford, 1813–20.
Woodward, W. H. Erasmus concerning Education. Cambridge, 1904.