Another example fo this type in Sym and his Brudir. It is, in intention, a good-humoured satire on church abuse, in a tale of two palmers in St. Andrews; but the adventures of these arrant beggars are on the same lines as those of the yokels in the pieces already discussed, and the appeal to the reader is identical. Here too, when the people come to the brothers weddingfor
| quhair that Symy levit in synnyng |
His bruder wald haif ane bryd |
there is the like rough justing, wild chasing on horseback, dashing down in the dirt, and general noise. Even the literary setting at the end of the poem is deliebrately restless, for the poet, after describing how tge brothers mowth was schent in the scrimmage, adds
| He endis the story with harme forlorne; |
The nolt begowth 27 till skatter |
The ky ran startling to the corne. |
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